It is physical reality, itself, that is the object of specific human knowledge. But we do not have a penetrative intuition of physical reality. Let him who is a realist and claims to have it tell science what electricity is and not merely what it does under different conditions. It easy to feel inclined to maintain that the intuitional notion of knowledge as an ideal is incapable of bearing reflection of an analytic sort.
A concrete knowledge of the bio-psychological setting of human knowledge lays bare its impossibility and its consequent absurdity. Knowledge has its place in consciousness, which is, itself, in an organism reacting to its environment. Such knowledge necessarily has its inherent limitations, which becomes evident in countless petition samples. But because it is knowledge, conformable to physical reality, it guides the human organism in its perilous effort at adaptation to, and control of, the parts of the universe in which it finds itself.
Knowledge of other minds—knowledge of other consciousnesses is different from knowledge of the physical world. It is knowledge through asserted identity of content, whereas knowledge of the physical world is information about its object with no assertion of identity of content. Thus, when an expression is discovered on the face of a friend as meaning amusement, one uses the expression as a symbol of an experience which is regarded as in its essentials contentually the same for the friend.
Words which the friend uses are likewise admitted symbols of contents sufficiently identical in character. Such identity of character does not conflict with the numerical difference of existence of the two states implied. Other consciousnesses are, therefore, objects of our knowledge. They are affirmed to exist and cannot be intuited, but they are interpreted by means of contents present in the knower's consciousness.
For this reason, it is usually said that they are inferred by analogy. There are decided objections to such an explanation if it is taken in a technical way. The passage from behavior to the assumption of an idea back of it corresponding to the idea back of similar behavior on our part is instinctive and is confirmed by language and tested conduct. It is better to call it a natural assumption or postulate rather than an inference.
Of the general assurance that this instinctive postulate is justified by a careful study of communication and cooperative behavior connected therewith there can be no doubt. It is only the idealistic tradition which assumes that the object of knowledge must be something given in the knower's consciousness that casts skeptical shadows upon this knowledge of the content of other minds.
And this very implication of idealism, far from raising any effective doubt as to the existence of other minds and our knowledge of their contents, should cast doubt upon the validity of the idealistic theory of knowledge itself. The critical realist finds that the demands of the situation fit in with what he is prepared to admit.
That we have knowledge of other minds and that this knowledge influences our own ideas in complex ways is a set of facts we are prepared to admit. Science is a cooperative achievement, and so are literature and law and custom. Men do have knowledge of the same objects and know that they agree or disagree, as the case may be, in regard to their ideas of these objects.
The mechanism, so to speak, of this mutual understanding is a recognized knowledge of one another's opinions and beliefs founded upon the data of perception and judgment. We must remember, however, that such accordant beliefs involve no literal overlapping of the respective consciousnesses of the participating individuals in, as an example, petition letters.
The striking difference between knowledge of the physical world and knowledge of the contents of other minds requires emphasis. Both are cases of claims to knowledge of something extramental, that is, something outside of the particular knowing mind. In both instances, again, this claim is attached to an idea in the mind of the knower.
At this point, however, a marked difference enters. In the case of knowing the idea in the mind of another, we carefully build up an idea which we take to be sufficiently identical in its meaning to the postulated idea and then regard it as the content of the knowledge-claim whose object is this selected external idea.
When we think of the two ideational contents as separate existences in the minds of two individuals, we are apt to speak of them as similar just as we speak of two physical things as similar in this regard or that. When we think only of the characteristic content, we can speak of the two ideas as identical or largely identical. The object and the knowledge-content are, then, similar or identical, as we wish to phrase it, in this kind of knowledge.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Islamic Teachings and Beliefs.
The religion Islam does not believe in the concept of “original sin.” According to the teachings of Islam, people are born guiltless. They remain so until an individual himself or herself, commits a sinful deed. Islam is neither an ethnocentric nor a sacramental religion. The followers of this religion observe no sacraments. Anyone can become a Muslim by his/ her discretion. Introduction to Islam involves no sacramental ceremony, no involvement by any clergy, and no authentication by any organized body. All that a true Moslem needs to do is follow the teachings of Islam. These teachings are:
Doctrine of God: Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion. The followers of Islam believe that there is no other God than Allah.
Doctrine of Angels:
The throne of God is surrounded by Angels. They serve as His messenger to people. The most important of all angels is Gabriel. Iblis is a fallen angel, he is also referred to as the Satan or Devil. He has authority over the djinns who are male and female demons.
Doctrine of Inspired Books:
The Moslems believe in the sacred books which include the Torah, the Gospel of Jesus, the Psalms, and the Koran (Qur’an). The followers of Islam believe that Koran is the only book which is completely error free. Sections of the holy book Koran have resemblance to the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Jewish Talmud. There are many stories in Koran that are similar to stories of various prophets in the Old Testament.
Koran is somewhat shorter in length than the New Testament. Islam’s followers are expected to memorize as much of the Koran as they can. Those who memorize the whole book by heart are highly honored.
Doctrine of Prophets:
According to the teachings of Islam, there are many persons who are considered to be prophets. Among them are Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Noah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Mohammed. Mohammed is considered to be last prophet. His proclamations completed the message sent by God to people.
Doctrine of Last Judgment: Moslems believe that there will be a day of final judgment. At that time, the non-believers will be sentenced to the burning fires of hell, while the believers will enter heaven. However, the pleasures of heaven will be given to the believers according to the degree of faith and morality they displayed in their lifetime.
The followers of Islam believe that the moral and legal codes of Islam apply to all areas of human life.
Doctrine of God: Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion. The followers of Islam believe that there is no other God than Allah.
Doctrine of Angels:
The throne of God is surrounded by Angels. They serve as His messenger to people. The most important of all angels is Gabriel. Iblis is a fallen angel, he is also referred to as the Satan or Devil. He has authority over the djinns who are male and female demons.
Doctrine of Inspired Books:
The Moslems believe in the sacred books which include the Torah, the Gospel of Jesus, the Psalms, and the Koran (Qur’an). The followers of Islam believe that Koran is the only book which is completely error free. Sections of the holy book Koran have resemblance to the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Jewish Talmud. There are many stories in Koran that are similar to stories of various prophets in the Old Testament.
Koran is somewhat shorter in length than the New Testament. Islam’s followers are expected to memorize as much of the Koran as they can. Those who memorize the whole book by heart are highly honored.
Doctrine of Prophets:
According to the teachings of Islam, there are many persons who are considered to be prophets. Among them are Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Noah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Mohammed. Mohammed is considered to be last prophet. His proclamations completed the message sent by God to people.
Doctrine of Last Judgment: Moslems believe that there will be a day of final judgment. At that time, the non-believers will be sentenced to the burning fires of hell, while the believers will enter heaven. However, the pleasures of heaven will be given to the believers according to the degree of faith and morality they displayed in their lifetime.
The followers of Islam believe that the moral and legal codes of Islam apply to all areas of human life.
The difference between spirituality and religion
Religion and spirituality are inter-related. But, before we discuss on these two terms, it is important to understand the meaning of these two terms in detail. Religion predominantly defines as the belief in God. It includes worshipping Gods and follows conducts and rituals related with certain religious believes. Spirituality is termed as the quality of being spiritual. Spirituality can be shown in thoughts and life of a person. Thus, religion establishes a person's relationship with the God whereas, spirituality establishes the right focus on seeing beyond the material world and realizing the inner powers of the body.
Religion is often regarded as the path which leads to God. It is the way to feel close with the almighty and his powers. The existence of religion is derived from divine inspiration and revelation. It is about feeling the spark of god's existence in everything around us.
Often, religion is combined with spirituality but, in real terms both these words are different. Being spiritual means realizing the inner abilities of the body and strengthens them to counter today's challenges and problems. It is about developing yourself to a higher level to help people to attune to their inner self.
It is a common belief that a person cannot be spiritual without involved with a set of principles under an accepted religion. However, this is a myth only. Spirituality is developing the inner self of the body which does not require following a set of principles or having a religious belief. The main aim of spirituality is to find a way out to release your negative energy and gather your positive powers and utilize them to make your life a success. It is like taking inspiration from your inner will and developing powers to make your life better. In religion, we take inspiration from the God and examples created by him. To make our life better and successful, we try to lead our lives on the examples set by the almighty.
Religion is often regarded as the path which leads to God. It is the way to feel close with the almighty and his powers. The existence of religion is derived from divine inspiration and revelation. It is about feeling the spark of god's existence in everything around us.
Often, religion is combined with spirituality but, in real terms both these words are different. Being spiritual means realizing the inner abilities of the body and strengthens them to counter today's challenges and problems. It is about developing yourself to a higher level to help people to attune to their inner self.
It is a common belief that a person cannot be spiritual without involved with a set of principles under an accepted religion. However, this is a myth only. Spirituality is developing the inner self of the body which does not require following a set of principles or having a religious belief. The main aim of spirituality is to find a way out to release your negative energy and gather your positive powers and utilize them to make your life a success. It is like taking inspiration from your inner will and developing powers to make your life better. In religion, we take inspiration from the God and examples created by him. To make our life better and successful, we try to lead our lives on the examples set by the almighty.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
How To Step Further Into The Fulfillment Of Your Divine Purpose
"People never run out of resources, only resourcefulness. There are deep reservoirs of strength in each of us that are never tapped into." ~David Neagle
I'm now about two weeks out from my last ERS seminar and everyday we are hearing about the profound changes people are making because of the time we spent
After each one of my live coaching events, one of the biggest shifts people make is in realizing how many toxic relationships they have allowed to remain in their lives. The truth is, that over time your environment (and the people in it) will always influence your behavior (& consequently, your results!), so it's very important to keep it as clear of these non-supportive influences as possible.
However, clearly there must be a baseline against which you evaluate these relationships (or any other relationships).
The baseline that I use is purpose. Not just any purpose, but my Divine Purpose. Does this relationship support me in the fulfillment of my Divine Purpose in this life, or does it not?
This question works perfectly, because any and all decisions should be made with the commitment to our Divine Purpose in mind. Realizing and expressing your Divine Purpose in life is the only reason you are here and nothing else in your life compares to the importance of fulfilling that purpose. Once we surrender to it, and make all decisions small and large in accordance with it, our decisions not only benefit our own lives, but they benefit all life as a whole.
Because when we conduct our lives according to our Divine Purpose ~ no matter how scary or painful ~ we align ourselves with the nature and Modus Operendi of Spirit: "More life to all, and less to none"
.Each one of us has the ability to make this shift... and we either accept that we are a part of something much more significant then our menial, daily frustrations, or we don’t... but there is no in-between.
Once we understand that our only true path is in the fulfillment of our purpose, it becomes our responsibility to clear our environment of any toxic situations or relationships that impede this shift. This is the hardest piece for my students, because they hadn’t realized how addicted to their relationships they truly are.
I'm not talking just about marriages - although it exists there - but ' ’m addressing friendships and business relationships also. We fill our daily lives with drama, which results in situations and circumstances that seem impossible to deal with.
Anything you are having trouble "figuring out" simply means you are bringing non-truths to your questions.
Life is pretty simple when we deal with the truth, instead of made up stories that serve as protectors of our delusions. Rather than freedom, we choose instead to hide our pain, protecting it to our death, rarely confronting it head on and removing it from our lives.
But you can have freedom
And that wonderful life starts with your decision to make your relationship with your Divine Purpose the most sacred relationship in your life.
Today I’d like to provide you with 3 steps to assist you in evaluating the situations and relationships in your life and stepping further into the fulfillment of your Divine Purpose:
1. Know your purpose (this is in relation to WHO you are here to BE in this life - not WHAT you’re here to DO)
2. Ask: Is the situation or relationship in harmony with the embodiment of your highest self?
3. Remove or change anything that is not in alignment with the fulfillment of your purpose, and lovingly embrace that which is.
As the famous quote in "The Shawshank Redemption" said, "Get busy living or get busy dying"I believe God wants you to enjoy your life... to feel embraced, supported and empowered at all times... don't you?
I'm now about two weeks out from my last ERS seminar and everyday we are hearing about the profound changes people are making because of the time we spent
After each one of my live coaching events, one of the biggest shifts people make is in realizing how many toxic relationships they have allowed to remain in their lives. The truth is, that over time your environment (and the people in it) will always influence your behavior (& consequently, your results!), so it's very important to keep it as clear of these non-supportive influences as possible.
However, clearly there must be a baseline against which you evaluate these relationships (or any other relationships).
The baseline that I use is purpose. Not just any purpose, but my Divine Purpose. Does this relationship support me in the fulfillment of my Divine Purpose in this life, or does it not?
This question works perfectly, because any and all decisions should be made with the commitment to our Divine Purpose in mind. Realizing and expressing your Divine Purpose in life is the only reason you are here and nothing else in your life compares to the importance of fulfilling that purpose. Once we surrender to it, and make all decisions small and large in accordance with it, our decisions not only benefit our own lives, but they benefit all life as a whole.
Because when we conduct our lives according to our Divine Purpose ~ no matter how scary or painful ~ we align ourselves with the nature and Modus Operendi of Spirit: "More life to all, and less to none"
.Each one of us has the ability to make this shift... and we either accept that we are a part of something much more significant then our menial, daily frustrations, or we don’t... but there is no in-between.
Once we understand that our only true path is in the fulfillment of our purpose, it becomes our responsibility to clear our environment of any toxic situations or relationships that impede this shift. This is the hardest piece for my students, because they hadn’t realized how addicted to their relationships they truly are.
I'm not talking just about marriages - although it exists there - but ' ’m addressing friendships and business relationships also. We fill our daily lives with drama, which results in situations and circumstances that seem impossible to deal with.
Anything you are having trouble "figuring out" simply means you are bringing non-truths to your questions.
Life is pretty simple when we deal with the truth, instead of made up stories that serve as protectors of our delusions. Rather than freedom, we choose instead to hide our pain, protecting it to our death, rarely confronting it head on and removing it from our lives.
But you can have freedom
And that wonderful life starts with your decision to make your relationship with your Divine Purpose the most sacred relationship in your life.
Today I’d like to provide you with 3 steps to assist you in evaluating the situations and relationships in your life and stepping further into the fulfillment of your Divine Purpose:
1. Know your purpose (this is in relation to WHO you are here to BE in this life - not WHAT you’re here to DO)
2. Ask: Is the situation or relationship in harmony with the embodiment of your highest self?
3. Remove or change anything that is not in alignment with the fulfillment of your purpose, and lovingly embrace that which is.
As the famous quote in "The Shawshank Redemption" said, "Get busy living or get busy dying"I believe God wants you to enjoy your life... to feel embraced, supported and empowered at all times... don't you?
The relevance of spirituality to your business.
Spirituality will help your business because it is a concept of comprehending one's own divinity, and that is empowerment. It is also the practical guidance of your higher self or clearer awareness beyond the limitations of your ego's fears and insecurities that affect your health and your ability to create wealth.
It is looking beyond today, the here and now, and to contextualize our lives in their totality. It is a physical manifestation of our thoughts about what spirit is, and what it does.
If you apply spiritual concepts such as health, wealth, love, happiness, joy, compassion and abundance, how can you go wrong in any area of your life, including your business?
True, spirituality is a broad topic, and we all might have a slightly different idea of what "spiritual" means to us. But it cannot be denied that it is about faith in the self and that it is available to all and can be accessed anytime for any pursuit including your business.
It is about developing the inner you to the extent that you not only understand yourself, but you will soon begin to understand others. It is the condition of being in harmony with the universe and is the release from all the things of the world that keeps you from being quiet.
Spirituality is all about becoming more like God, who is spirit (John 4:24) and having our character conformed to His image (Romans 12:1-2). Spirituality is a form of religion, but a private and personal form of religion. It is the idea that we can look to be guided from within our being, by listening to our spirit which is in-tune with and part of the whole of Spirit.If you were to cultivate spiritual habits you would already know the answers to many of the questions you have about your business and how to make it as profitable as you would like for it to be.Spirituality is a quickening, an evolving awareness of the depth dimension of one's life and one's connection with the universe. It is the inner quickening that comes with a sudden or long sought awareness which touches the core of one's existence. It is the heightened awareness of oneself in relationship to humankind and the universe.When you are in tune with humankind and the universe, it is easier for you to tap into the universe for your needs and desires. You will be better able to manifest whatever you need in your business whether it is equipment, more sales, a business loan, more clients or more self-confidence.Spirituality is an evocation of feelings that leads into the spiritual; extrasensory, transcendent experience. The discovery of one's true self, a pursuit of one's full potential that ultimately leads to peace. And no one would deny that when your mind is at peace you are better able to focus on achieving your goals and aspirations of your life and your business. This is the search for security, inner peace, love, joy, freedom and other basic things human beings need. It is about overcoming our self-doubt and weaknesses and experiencing love and beauty in everything while feeling love for others and for ourselves. It is about finding deep meaning in our lives while being centered and feeling the strength of our inner self standing with both feet on the ground. It is the consciousness light that unites man's aspiration and God's compassion. It is one of the ways people construct knowledge and meaning. It is always constructive and never destructive in relationships with others. It is further, the practical application of your state of consciousness that is not blocked with unhealthy, disabling belief systems. It's another dimension of you, your consciousness and your energy.Spirituality is not achieved overnight and is a gradual process of becoming. However, being aware of the importance of having good spiritual health will have a positive impact on your life, including the success or failure of your business.
It is looking beyond today, the here and now, and to contextualize our lives in their totality. It is a physical manifestation of our thoughts about what spirit is, and what it does.
If you apply spiritual concepts such as health, wealth, love, happiness, joy, compassion and abundance, how can you go wrong in any area of your life, including your business?
True, spirituality is a broad topic, and we all might have a slightly different idea of what "spiritual" means to us. But it cannot be denied that it is about faith in the self and that it is available to all and can be accessed anytime for any pursuit including your business.
It is about developing the inner you to the extent that you not only understand yourself, but you will soon begin to understand others. It is the condition of being in harmony with the universe and is the release from all the things of the world that keeps you from being quiet.
Spirituality is all about becoming more like God, who is spirit (John 4:24) and having our character conformed to His image (Romans 12:1-2). Spirituality is a form of religion, but a private and personal form of religion. It is the idea that we can look to be guided from within our being, by listening to our spirit which is in-tune with and part of the whole of Spirit.If you were to cultivate spiritual habits you would already know the answers to many of the questions you have about your business and how to make it as profitable as you would like for it to be.Spirituality is a quickening, an evolving awareness of the depth dimension of one's life and one's connection with the universe. It is the inner quickening that comes with a sudden or long sought awareness which touches the core of one's existence. It is the heightened awareness of oneself in relationship to humankind and the universe.When you are in tune with humankind and the universe, it is easier for you to tap into the universe for your needs and desires. You will be better able to manifest whatever you need in your business whether it is equipment, more sales, a business loan, more clients or more self-confidence.Spirituality is an evocation of feelings that leads into the spiritual; extrasensory, transcendent experience. The discovery of one's true self, a pursuit of one's full potential that ultimately leads to peace. And no one would deny that when your mind is at peace you are better able to focus on achieving your goals and aspirations of your life and your business. This is the search for security, inner peace, love, joy, freedom and other basic things human beings need. It is about overcoming our self-doubt and weaknesses and experiencing love and beauty in everything while feeling love for others and for ourselves. It is about finding deep meaning in our lives while being centered and feeling the strength of our inner self standing with both feet on the ground. It is the consciousness light that unites man's aspiration and God's compassion. It is one of the ways people construct knowledge and meaning. It is always constructive and never destructive in relationships with others. It is further, the practical application of your state of consciousness that is not blocked with unhealthy, disabling belief systems. It's another dimension of you, your consciousness and your energy.Spirituality is not achieved overnight and is a gradual process of becoming. However, being aware of the importance of having good spiritual health will have a positive impact on your life, including the success or failure of your business.
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